He has received the founder s medal of the royal geographical society for distinction in research and is a fellow of the british academy -获皇家地理学会颁创会奖项( foundersmedal ) ,表彰其卓越之研究
He has received the founder s medal of the royal geographical society for distinction in research and is a fellow of the british academy 获皇家地理学会颁创会奖项( foundersmedal ) ,表彰其卓越之研究
At last a long article appeared , on the 7th of october , in the bulletin of the royal geographical society , which treated the question from every point of view , and demonstrated the utter folly of the enterprise 事实是这样的: 10月7日英国皇家地理学会的会刊登载了一篇很长的论文,从各方面论证了八十天绕地球一周的问题。